Yesterday, our new friends Ashley Williams (with Hannah’s Hope Orphanage) and Marvin, took us to see the Guatemala City Dump. Here, thousands and thousands of men, women and children live among the city’s trash...literally. They walk from their “home” to the dump, they dig through the daily garbage and find stuff to recycle and sell. This is how they make their “living”....this is the horrible reality of their life. I can’t begin to explain to you everything I saw...or the putrid smell in the air....I can say that I felt the moment deeply and I am still trying to process what my eyes witnessed.
Marvin is an ex gang member who was recently shot in the leg during some crossfire. He now has a relationship with Christ and spends time ministering in the worst crime neighborhoods around GC.
He also loved Mac and his blonde hair...calling him a “chicolito”. :-)
The picture at the top says a whole lot... Ashley told us that the bodies buried in the “tombs” are rented. If the families of the dead cannot pay the rent then the body is literally thrown into the city dump, located 100 yards away...to make room for the new “renters”.
You can see where some have already been “removed”.
We feel very fortunate to have met Ashley while in GC. She is doing many great things for Hannah’s Hope as well as the entire country of Guatemala! Visit her blog, or better yet, sponsor a child there at HH. They desperately need sponsors and you will be making an eternal difference!
Grace and Peace,
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