Hello internet land...
Yes, it has been a long, long time. Too long actually.
However, the lack of blogging is definitely not an indicator that we have nothing going on here in the Vanzant house. Quite the opposite.
Over the past month we have started school, started a business, my sweet sister got hitched, and we all 4 got some pukey virus. Throw in 4 wedding showers, bachelor and bachelorette parties, 9 meetings about Guatemala, doctor visits, photo shoots, Young Life, 4 birthday parties, school functions and traveling and... whew!!!
It makes my head spin just thinking about it all.
We are still here, I promise. Though most of August and September felt more like "survival"... this past week has been AMAZING! The routine of school, healthy kiddos and cooler, beautiful Fall weather has definitely lifted my spirit.
My heart is happy and and my life is full.
And, I love it this way.
And... because every post is better with a picture... here are some of our last two months.
First day of school. I love how the word "booty" in the morning makes my kids laugh hysterically!
The Mommy Tackle
Short but sweet visit from the Goodfellow's. Riley and Emma, BFF.
And... Riley has started a REALLY cool project that you should check out here. Amazing.
Lingerie Shower pics for my sis.
Benefit of being Maid of Honor = Embarrassing the Bride.
Due to the nature of the party, I can only show you a very few...
but, I adore the next series of photos.
And... poor Mac. This picture just makes me laugh.
It embodies the last couple of months for us.
Okay... I have MANY more pics to come.
But, this is enough for now.
Happy and Full,