My little computer has been very ill.
Down for the count over the last 4 days...
Thanks to my sweet husband for staying up well past midnight working on her.
My little computer has been very ill.
Down for the count over the last 4 days...
Thanks to my sweet husband for staying up well past midnight working on her.
Today, my computer has had a little “spring fever.” And, I can’t say that I blame her... it was GORGEOUS here today! Enough so that Mac and I took a two mile bike ride, training wheels and all (him. not me.) Seriously. 2 miles people, with a 3 year old. Yes, he’s a STUD!
Thank you Jesus for the Spring! I need to live in this weather ALL of the time. Blossoms on the trees and sleeping with the windows open... aahhh... can I get an amen?!?!
Nighty night,
...We have tickets!!! 4 of them. For an ENTIRE month! Woo Hoo! :-)
Depart: Nashville for Guatemala, May 26.
Return: Guatemala to Nashville, June 30.
And, even better news... we have family and friends joining us there!!! We’ll save the disclosure on WHO, for a future blog follow-up.
I’m SO EXCITED that I’m not sure I’ll be able to sleep tonight.
Tonight, was the first annual “Daddy/Daughter Dance” at our church.
Emma got all dressed up, in an outfit of her choice. Put on her favorite necklace and bracelet...and even spritzed some Webkinz Body Splash on her wrists.
Her AMAZING daddy took her out to eat at her favorite restaurant then they headed over to the dance.
They danced the night away and made memories to last forever.
A father’s love for his princess.
Today, Darrell and I were asked to be apart of a focus group to discuss the topic of marriage. Specifically, it was a project for Moody Publishers, about Dr. Gary Chapman's book the "Five Love Languages".
It ended up being a panel of 11 professional therapists and church/ministry counselors from around Nashville. The facilitators were asking us questions that, hopefully, will help them create better strategies for getting the "Five Love Languages" message to a new generation of consumers and marriages.
So.... here’s where I would LOVE your comments. (And, “love language” is “quality time/conversation”. Haha).
-Have you read the book? If so, what did you like? Not like?
TODAY is a VERY important day!!! It’s my one year anniversary.
1 year ago today, I wrote my first blog on this site. It was titled, “Why Guatemala?!?!”
As many of you know, Guatemala changed me. Changed my heart. Changed my life. Continues to change...
I’m SO EXCITED to tell you, I’m going back again this summer! Details will follow soon... however, I can tell you that I’m (we’re) not going alone. (That’s the teaser). :-)
Thanks for reading. Thanks for your comments. Thanks for loving me and my family on this crazy journey. It means more than you know.
Friday night.
Four new Friends.
Four kiddos.
Firepit and smores.
Francis coppola (wine).
Campaigners kicked off tonight.
After the guys spent time together, they helped Darrell make posters for next week’s club. I love these boys... they’re so fun and full of life.
A dear friend gave me this verse today... and, I am grateful.
"God's beloved;
God's permanent residence.
Encircled by God all day long,
within whom God is at home."
Deut. 33:12
The truth is, I desperately needed the reminder that I am “encircled by God ALL day long.” So often I forget. Today was one of those days.
“I’ve seen them make the sick eat broth by holding it so close the savor draws them on. Maybe misery has a savor too so if you’re near enough, sick though you be with your own sin, your heart can’t help but sup.” -Buechner
I desire to be “near enough”... to the misery, the poor, the orphaned, the widowed, the abused, the fearful, the lonely, the broken.
Because my heart desperately needs a big “sup” of the broth.
Healing from my own sickness.
Darrell and I were asked to lead a “story group” for a community group from our church.
It’s every Monday night and so tonight was no exception. We processed the entire time.
It was messy... people are hurting... scared... God is at work... and it is Beautiful.