One of the perks I love about my job is some of the incredible places I get to visit. And the best perk of all is when Kristin, Emma, and Mac get to go with me, which was the case this past weekend. You see, Mac’s birthday was this past Saturday and he LOVES airplanes....I mean really loves them. It just so happened that one of the artists I manage was performing at the Wheeler/Sack Airfield on Ft. Drum, right outside Watertown, NY. So, we threw Mac a grand ol’ party on the flight up, had cake in the terminal there (at 9:30am), and proceeded to the airfield where we had one of the best parties I’ve ever been a part of.
I did have one thought......
I was gripped with incredible fear and gladness as I watched Mac’s face light up when we arrived on base. The fear was from the thought of Mac growing up and wanting to join the military and go off to fight wars, sometimes wars I might not want him to fight. The fear that I might loose him to a cause that doesn’t mean as much to me as he does.
But the gladness came from the same thought and how we were able to take him to the place where seeds might have been planted, a place where he could stare his passion in the face and feel his heart come alive, even if it means he wants to join the military and go off fighting wars I might not want him to fight. And yet all of my fear and even gladness was no match for the love of my son. I will love him no matter what and I will fight for him and alongside him.
I was reminded that God feels the same way about me and you.
As you will see from the pictures, we were alive and our hearts were soaring as high and as robust as some of the F-16’s that shook the ground we were walking on.
It was like they were writing our names in the sky.....
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